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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unseparable \Un*sep"a*ra*ble\, a. Inseparable. [Obs.] ``In love unseparable.''

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c. from un- (1) "not" + separable (adj.). The usual word now is inseparable.


a. (obsolete form of inseparable English)

Usage examples of "unseparable".

Death will find some ways to unty or cut the most Gordian Knots of Life, and make men's miseries as mortal as themselves: whereas evil Spirits, as undying Substances, are unseparable from their calamities.

Almost unseparable it was from the white of her skin now, as distinction faded with the day -- but yes, by dint of squinting I discerned her shame, that patch as it were on her else-pure-whiteness, or fallen fleck of night-sky in her lap!