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a. Not having been searched.

Usage examples of "unsearched".

Even in the wilds of Scotland she could not rest, knowing that no spot would remain unsearched if it should be discovered that it was Hugo Aungerville and not Josceline who had fled to France.

So far she seemed to be as well hidden and unsearched for in Harkdale as she had been in New York.

Yea, look diligently, and leave no corner therein unsearched for that treasure hid, even the treasure of your first and second experience of the grace of God towards you.

The unsearched panniers remained full of jumbled odds and ends and the Light knew what, but those she and Aviendha had emptied now bulged with coarse sacks of flour and salt, beans and lentils.

By man, who gives all his time to the Africas and the poles, with this unsearched marvelous world right at his elbow.

And when these stunned knaves in the fen make report to him, it will be known that thou wert seen close to Peterborough, and not an inch of the town will be left unsearched.

March catechised him, and she didn't leave an emotion of his unsearched by her vivid sympathy.