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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
unscrupulous lawyers
▪ Isn't it time we did something to protect the elderly from unscrupulous business people?
▪ Morgan admitted that some of his actions may have been unscrupulous, but he denied doing anything illegal.
▪ A few moments of complete mental instability when you were unscrupulous enough to take advantage of me.
▪ And some widows can be victimized by unscrupulous tigers in the financial jungle.
▪ But sometimes unscrupulous leaders added coins to the money supply by minting new coins that contained less gold and silver.
▪ Deceived by unscrupulous men, he vouched for the authenticity of that wretched diamond mine.
▪ That Captain's a mighty unscrupulous man.
▪ There are some unscrupulous characters out there.
▪ We tend to think that the Pharisees were unscrupulous, double-dealing, untrustworthy.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unscrupulous \Un*scru"pu*lous\, a. Not scrupulous; unprincipled. -- Un*scru"pu*lous*ly, adv. -- Un*scru"pu*lous*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1803, from un- (1) "not" + scrupulous (adj.). Related: Unscrupulously; unscrupulousness.


a. 1 Without scruples; immoral. 2 contemptuous of what is right or honorable.

  1. adj. without scruples or principles; "unscrupulous politicos who would be happy to sell...their country in order to gain power" [ant: scrupulous]

  2. lacking honesty and oblivious to what is honorable [syn: dishonest]

Usage examples of "unscrupulous".

Could it be that over a century ago aliens had landed on Firma and that certain unscrupulous people had collaborated with them?

Sometimes unscrupulous relatives would take over the properties entirely, ousting the former name-bearer to a monkery, along with any of his sons.

Heinous behavior, but there are many tales told today of unscrupulous Christians in Spain conducting a trade in Christian penes and foreskins to the Moors.

Canada as a highly organized military Power, its policies directed by an aggressive, predacious and unscrupulous government, and with a population larger than that of the United States.

The Spanish enterprises of conquest and colonization had been carried forward with enormous and unscrupulous energy, and alongside of them and involved with them had been borne the Spanish chaplaincies and missions, sustained from the same treasury, in some honorable instances bravely protesting against the atrocities they were compelled to witness, in other instances implicated in them and sharing the bloody profits of them.

Just as Fascism in its time seized upon the ancient terroristic and blackmailing Mafia in Sicily and partly annexed it, partly changed it and so superseded it, just as the Nazi movement incorporated large chunks of the Communist party in its efforts to reformulate Germany, so now the Modern State fellowship grappled with the world-wide series of organizations which had superseded democratic institutions nearly everywhere, made every effort to capture the imaginations of their adherents, and showed the most unscrupulous boldness in seizing their direction whenever it could.

Muster Montgomery is a sniveling snipe and a snirtling twirp, overweeningly ombitious and utterly unscrupulous!

American democratic future which may issue from aggressive and unscrupulous unionism consists in the state of mind of which mob-violence is only one expression.

Looking at the sword again, he felt his protective temper rise when he thought of Warth trying to get it for some unscrupulous purpose of his own.

Two stunningly unscrupulous people with rich but closefisted families could hardly devise a more surefire means of inducing them to hand over a sackful or two.

Greenway, it was possible he knew more than was good for him, and if Greenway was as unscrupulous as he sounded, Richard might be in danger.

The purpose of this assassination was to tip the balance of power in this city of Ardha in favor of the Assassins, whose lord and chief, the obese and unscrupulous Gurjan Tor, had ambitions of extending his invisible empire in a reign of terror which would bring even the Crown of Ardha within his greedy clutches.

Raeburn, and consequently had heard enough of the truth about him to disbelieve the gross libels which were constantly being circulated by the unscrupulous among his opponents.

Innumerable mistranscriptions and at least one unscrupulous omission .

Nearly ten years elapsed before anything further was accomplished in the direction of assuring any greater hope of success for another interplanetary venture into space, and this was directly due to the discovery made by a former classmate of mine, Lieutenant Commander Orthis, one of the most brilliant men I have ever known, and at the same time one of the most unscrupulous, and, to me at least, the most obnoxious.