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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ But how do we unscramble our feelings?
▪ For your chance of a night to remember, just unscramble this word to reveal what might be on the menu.
▪ Illegal descramblers are electronically altered so they unscramble every signal coming into the home.
▪ It would be very simple to tell him everything and leave him to unscramble the truth contained in the confusion.
▪ The broadcasting of a pay channel requires the encryption or scrambling of the signal on emission and the unscrambling on reception.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

"restore to order," 1911, from un- (2) "reverse, opposite of" + scramble (v.). The original use is in a quip attributed to U.S. financier J.P. Morgan (1837-1913) about the impossibility of unscrambling an omelet.\n\nMr. Morgan is credited with the aphorism that the recent trust decisions are like an order to a cook to "unscramble" the eggs which have just been prepared.

[Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science," January 1912]

\nRelated: Unscrambled; unscrambling.\n

vb. 1 To reverse the process of scramble, decrypt. 2 To put into order or restore to order.

  1. v. make intelligible; "Can you unscramble the message?" [ant: scramble]

  2. become or cause to become undone by separating the fibers or threads of; "the sweater unravelled" [syn: unravel, unknot, untangle, unpick] [ant: ravel, ravel]

Usage examples of "unscramble".

The funny thing about this, I thought, was that these unscrambled men had not yet caught on to the fact that the Scrambled Men were more than a wacky sect, that they were symbols of what the spectators must themselves do if they wished to travel beyond their own present carefree and happy but unprogressive state.

When my vision finally cleared, my brain unscrambled, and the fog lifted, I was staring up, way up, into the face of Little Pete Dwyer.

Then the bell pinged, and a number of freshly unscrambled messages came in, in reply to his queries.

Only lately, since I have been able to look things up in books, have I begun to unscramble the anthology of quotations that Matern had cooked up: he mixed liturgical texts, the phenomenology of a stocking-cap, and abstrusely secular lyrical poetry into a stew seasoned with the cheapest gin.

Inez Arpin, the studious type whose name does not matter, and all the others who came under the classification of chrono-experts were trying to unscramble their brains at the bizarre progression of events in TimeSep Central, matters were already out of their hands.

They were unscrambling themselves and picking banana peels off their messed up uniforms.

It was her hope that the quiet life and soothing air of Brookport, with--unless you counted the money-in-the-slot musical box at the store--its absence of the fiercer excitements, might in time pull him together and unscramble his disordered nervous system.

Harold Smith, director of Folcroft Sanitarium, was the man with the office that had the only computer terminal that took all the hookups from all the computers and unscrambled them.

Nobody will ever think that a chick like you is here to unscramble AI genetic code that steals billions of dollars off the Net.

Sensors already labouring at the limit of their resolution to try and unscramble the chaos suffered infuriating glitches and power surges, producing gaps in the overall coverage.

The scanner had picked up the electrical impulses thrown off when LuAnn inputted her pass code and then it had unscrambled them.

On unscrambled radio transmissions the true altitude was the stun of the reported altitude plus the never-mentioned base number, tonight a positive eight.

Let he or she who one day unearths this text unscramble the oddities of chance and experience that brought me, "rushing headlong toward suicide," to this place half a mile beneath the Oasis of Siwa.