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a. Not scholarly.


adj. not scholarly [ant: scholarly]

Usage examples of "unscholarly".

Latin-English, whether scholarly or unscholarly, is the mediate tongue.

It is hardly surprising, therefore, that these characters, aided by de Nerciat, who also had no qualifications for the job, plunged themselves into the most unscholarly muddle that any library has ever seen.

In translating from the Annaren, I have attempted as my first concern to convey its vitality: if this has led to some unscholarly, or even controversial, decisions, I at once plead the conventional excuse of the translatorthat it is sometimes impossible to keep both to the letter and the spirit of another language.

Even had the subject of this naif and unscholarly narrative been an ordinary man in an ordinary period, it would have been worth translating for its truth to life and human nature, much more, therefore, when it is about the greatest craftsman of the Cinque Cento.

London printer, one Bridewall, pirated the work, and issued a cheap translation for sensational effect, full of grotesque woodcuts, and riddled with misspellings, faulty translations and the usual errors of a cheap and unscholarly printing.

Its pupils were a dozen lively and very unscholarly monkey-like creatures, which wiggled, rather than sat, restlessly at their desks, their paws and their double-tails continually seeking to do some mischief.

For a moment they swayed uncertainly, and then, with mingled and most unscholarly shrieks, they pitched headlong from the tree, locked in frenzied embrace.

It was some French Life of Justinian, one of the unscholarly productions of last century, made up of stories from Procopius and tags of Roman law.