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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
escape unharmed/unscathed/unhurt
▪ Two policemen were killed, but the president escaped unharmed.
▪ The government was relatively unscathed by scandals at Lloyd's, the collapse of Johnson Matthey, and the Guinness saga.
▪ I breezed through college relatively unscathed.
▪ The forefoot showed excessive wear while the heel remained relatively unscathed.
▪ The Dow Jones Industrial Average remained relatively unscathed during the last six months, attracting more positive money flow.
▪ Most significant for Ipswich, though, is that they seem to have come out of their winter blip relatively unscathed.
▪ Much has been made of the fact that San Francisco emerged relatively unscathed from Loma Prieta.
▪ Byrne dragged Stephen's body to a relatively unscathed section while Hunt went in search of help.
▪ Few retailers were left unscathed by the recession.
▪ Most of the passengers escaped from the plane unscathed.
▪ The bullet grazed the side of his head, leaving him virtually unscathed.
▪ But Webb was perfectly confident that he could plunge into this fury and emerge unscathed.
▪ It is true that Jacob will emerge more than just unscathed from the danger that fills his mind as he returns home.
▪ The burnished copper shone bravely, having only the previous night survived unscathed a particularly concerted attack upon its person.
▪ The Dow Jones Industrial Average remained relatively unscathed during the last six months, attracting more positive money flow.
▪ The forefoot showed excessive wear while the heel remained relatively unscathed.
▪ The government was relatively unscathed by scandals at Lloyd's, the collapse of Johnson Matthey, and the Guinness saga.
▪ The markets and older residential areas of the city were equally unscathed by modern trends.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., from un- (1) "not" + past participle of scathe (v.). Mainly in Scottish before 19c. Similar formation in Old Norse ostaðaðr, Swedish oskadad.


a. Not harmed or damaged in any way; untouched.


adj. wholly unharmed [syn: unharmed, unhurt]

Usage examples of "unscathed".

To anyone unaware of the fire, Brambleberry Hall would appear as if it had stood unscathed through all the years of its existence.

If something foul happens again with her after a peer like Kilcairn, the Retting name and reputation would never escape unscathed.

Arrows whined through the air, glancing off trees and rocks, but I reached the testudo unscathed.

Therefore do not expect to leave this place unscathed, uncensured, or unburdened of a guilty conscience which should stay with you through all your days.

In areas of the apex of the wave, disturbance was powerful enough that there was no need for waves to interfere with each other to distort the real world, the wave itself was what did the initial damage, and created what we call the Pelagir Hills and what you call the Uncleansed Landsand yet, entire nations who happened to be in the trough of the wave remained relatively unscathed.

They, and the units of her so far unengaged destroyer screen, were the only relatively unscathed ships she still had, and she watched the battlecruisers accelerating out of their positions.

He ran from barn to barn, checking for more hostiles, walking through the flames unscathed because his armor and bodysuit could easily withstand the heat of a wood fire.

Only the dwarves, disciplined by many battles, had come through relatively unscathed.

Larnaca Airport between Egyptian commandos and Cypriot national guardsmen, from which the hijackers of the grounded jet emerged unscathed while the airfield was littered with the burning wreckage of the Egyptian transport aircraft and dozens of dead and dying Cypriots and Egyptians.

What is strong, and true, and pure, and wholesome in the art of the mastersingers he permits to pass through his satirical fires unscathed.

Ron, and Hermione went up to the Owlery that evening to find Pigwidgeon, so that Harry could send Sirius a letter telling him that he had managed to get past his dragon unscathed.

A handful with minor injuries, caught around the periphery of Base Town, were in the underground medical sanitorium which, situated northside, was unscathed.

A few flames flickered bright above the unscathed ramparts, then, dampened by the squalls, disappeared.

And on those occasions when no safe choice was available, the Guardian gave the dice a small assist when Sorak rolled, and he emerged from the encounters unscathed and successful in his wagers every time.

Tonight was the culmination of many months of hard work, bringing Michael's plight to the attention of the country via the media, raising money through all manner of events for research into ways of alleviating the distressing physical and mental deterioration suffered by children like Michael, children who rarely survived to adulthood--although there were varying degrees of severity and admittedly there had been very rare instances in which male children born to female carriers of the gene seemed to have escaped unscathed but these instances were far too rare to form the basis for any kind of detailed research.