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adv. In an unsatisfactory manner.


adv. in an unsatisfactory manner; "He performed unsatisfactorily as a manager" [ant: satisfactorily]

Usage examples of "unsatisfactorily".

Then he discovered that there was no air blast installed, and he was forced to dry himself unsatisfactorily with his handkerchief.

That she would then spend years drifting unsatisfactorily from brief affair to brief affair before suddenly towards the end of her twenties being seized by a sudden desperate fear of being alone.

But instead of receding as they were dealt with— unsatisfactorily, she admitted—they continued to clamor at the forefront of her mind.

When I presented something unsatisfactorily or was not venturesome enough, he came running to me with scores and showed me how Mozart or Lortzing would have handled it, and proved to me that my hesitation was cowardice, or my obstinacy audacious stupidity.

The celebration night of the brave traitor and his low-grade explosive was going to pass as unsatisfactorily as the first, whatever I said.