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a. Not sanctioned; not approved by a sanctioning body.


adj. without explicit official permission; "unsanctioned use of company cars"

Usage examples of "unsanctioned".

He had a very ugly experience with an unsanctioned Maja a couple of centuries ago.

The first is unsanctioned government intervention, which means nobody can know anything because anybody who does, official and otherwise, could end up in Leavenworth or in a lye pit.

All of them put Dain in an unsanctioned alliance with vampires while holding a top-security position with B-Ops.

I took to that early, too much so for my conservative parents, who feared a scandal if their designated son and heir killed anyone important in an unsanctioned duel.

Had they bothered to look closer, they would have been utterly stunned to discover not one but two unsanctioned craft occupying the same obscure location.

But though no hand unsanctioned dares Unveil the mysteries of her grace, Time lifts the curtain unawares, And Sorrow looks into her face .

Lexie and Rafaella to bring them back from this unsanctioned expedition, but to join it.

Yet the civilian leaders of an unsanctioned Anti-Federation League settlement were honored with the fallen crew.

I would have taken control of your apparatus to create a massive electronic pulse that would have temporarily disrupted electronic equipment throughout this entire continent, thus alerting every other scientific outpost in Antarctica to your unsanctioned experiments here.

The idea alone was titillating because a fight unsanctioned and unsupervised by proper officials carried the heady intoxication of sin.

There would be no support from its coffers for her unsanctioned husband, but the marriage was acknowledged and tolerated, having been executed with due process before a rural priest of Elua.

Snowdon dress the children in rational little outfits, in bright, happy colors that matched, no stripes disagreeing with plaids, no unsanctioned dress-up boas and diamond tiaras and space-gear stun guns strapped to pipe-cleaner hips.

There were diseased trees, leafless and gaunt and sprouting contagious-looking boles on their trunks, and there were the unsanctioned scrub oaks the landscape architect had disparaged, and pear trees whose fruit progressed from unripe on the limb to rotten on the ground in a single night and then harbored wasps in the holes in their seepy, sticky sides.

Besides that, it was well known she had taken on a lover and that Wallengrine was planning a divorce on grounds of unsanctioned adultery, cutting her off without a penny.

There was no question that there would be repercussions for his unsanctioned approach on Murray.