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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unsafety \Un*safe"ty\, n. The quality or state of being in peril; absence of safety; insecurity.


n. Lack of safety; insecurity.

Usage examples of "unsafety".

We have evidence of the unsafety of the roads, and, as you have heard, we have a large sum of money with us.

Three Sisters was not a case of nerves but an instinctive wisdom concerning the unsafety of all bridges of that design.

I leaned against the window, feeling the summer sun, feeling oddly safe despite my great height from the ground, as if unsafety lay for me in a completely different realm.

Now this creature will not go away, because she believes her mate to be inside, and it is of a great unsafety to lower the drawbridge.

But it was my faultI acquired an unidentified target with an unsafetied weapon.