Crossword clues for unrusted
a. Not rusted.
adj. free of rust [syn: rust-free]
Usage examples of "unrusted".
Bechtol to separate ferro-magnetic debris such as unrusted cans of lima beans, bedposts, and filing cabinets from all other clutter.
Wondering, she cleared away the shallow deposit to expose a dull, grayish surface, obviously metal, but unrusted and unlike any metal she ever had seen.
He felt the red metal, which was unrusted, and looked at some of the hieroglyphics.
Because they are led by a man who told the rebel Congress that the covenant chain which the King gave to the Mohawks is still unspotted by dishonor, unrusted by treachery, unbroken, intact, without one link missing!
Maybe it was just a trick of the light, a reflection of moonlight from some exposed piece of unrusted metal.
He cleaned a piece, which shone bright and unrusted in the moonlight, and touched it with his tongue.
The sunlight glinted from the unrusted portions of swords, spear heads, iron-studded belts, round helmets, the metalwork of harnesses.
The metal crumplings were still stainless and unrusted, their jagged teeth raised in futile anger.
It carried a motor launch in the same dull gray as the unrusted parts of the ship's side.