Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Unruffled \Un*ruf"fled\, a. [Pref. un- not + ruffled.] Not ruffled or agitated; smooth; calm; tranquil; quiet.
Calm and unruffled as a summer's sea.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary
a. calm, not ruffled, serene, at peace, unbothered.
adj. free from emotional agitation or nervous tension; "the waiters were unflurried and good natured"; "with contented mind and unruffled spirit"- Anthony Trollope [syn: unflurried, unflustered, unperturbed]
free from disturbance; "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay"; "the quiet waters of a lagoon"; "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky"; "a smooth channel crossing"; "scarcely a ripple on the still water"; "unruffled water" [syn: placid, quiet, still, tranquil]
Usage examples of "unruffled".
Now, in contrast to the Occidental thinker, who covets alternation because in his cold climate action is the means of enjoyment, the Hindu, in the languid East, where repose is the condition of enjoyment, conceives the highest blessedness to consist in exemption from every disturbance, in an unruffled unity excluding all changes.
However, the barge crew remained unruffled during the wild ride, as they expertly plied their poles and steering oar to keep us in midstream and well away from the rock walls that could have ground us to splinters.
Caldwell held up a restraining hand, but Schorn saved the situation by interrupting in his calm, unruffled tone.
The unruffled, supercool, utterly capable hero is one of the most widespread stereotypes of poor fiction, and especially of poor SF.
Yet was there a stranger guest among us who did all this and more with unblenching brow, unruffled self-possession, unequalled courtesy, who, if discovered, would have been arrested and consigned to a lock-up, only to be exchanged for the gloom and the manacles of the condemned cell.
For one awful instant they were suspended above disaster, the keel of the boat riding the force of the torrent like a reversed magnet, unloosed, unmoored, out of control, the sharp spray in their faces, Henry shouting out encouragement to the straining motors, grinning Jalong in the bow with a plastic bucket bailing like mad, the bouncing Copelands trying not to glance too often at one another with the blanched appeal of stricken airline passengers, the fragile longboat, as if responding to psychic entreaty, moved forward an inch, another inch, then, in one sweet dizzying lift, rose up and over the crest of the falls onto a slick moving sheet of unruffled stream, and they looked around at themselves and they laughed.
Monsorlit was unruffled by these charges and Ferrill only patted my hand.
With a few expert swings of the billiard cue, he knocked the glass from the window beside him, and stepped lightly and unruffled into the darkened garden.
Gareth Swales was leaning nonchalantly against the side of the car, looking as unruffled and calm as ever, his hair neatly combed and the tweed suit as immaculate as if it had just come from his tailor.
Their faces were serene, smooth as unruffled ponds, but their eyes did not blink.
Yet even as he nourished bitter thoughts, He felt a depth of clear serenity, Unruffled in his heart beneath it all.
Servilia, assured that she looked passable if not as unruffled as she had some hours before, took her departure.
Nigidius Figulus because of his knowledge, Cicero soon succumbed to the charm of his nature, unruffled and sweet, humble and sensitive.
Grainger studied his unruffled employer, knowing his calm meant nothing and wondering what to tell him.
Rothgar, unruffled, then summoned servants to bring old mattresses and a musket, and sent a message to the king to invite him to watch the spectacle from a distant balcony, if it so pleased him.