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n. (cx historical English) A pseudoscientific entertainment spectacle at which a mummy was unwrapped. vb. (present participle of unroll English)

Usage examples of "unrolling".

And this brave mariner who united to his nautical functions the obligation of making harangues at banquets and opening the dance with the lady of most importance, began unrolling a string of words like the noise of clappers between long intervals of silence.

Deftly unrolling the traditional scroll with his right hand, he pro­ceeded to read, winding it up with the skill of long practice.

Trimm and Rouleau were unrolling yet more canvas, twelve-foot-wide lengths of it that they hung from under the roof eaves and pegged to the ground.

Then he began unrolling the serious part of his harangue, so that he himself, was also greatly affected.

Tchernoff bemoaned the great suffering produced by the catastrophe, the thousands and thousands of domestic tragedies that were unrolling at that moment.

Enraged, he shot a threatening glare back at the specter and began unrolling the parchment.

Behind the demon, he saw Sil'zet unrolling a scroll to read, while Vadalma held her ground, stooping to retrieve her mother's wand while guarding herself with a dagger.

Rachlin said, unrolling one of the maps and tamping his thumb on a blue dot.

He pulled loose an arm's grasp of the grass about, then another, unrolling the cloak he had been lent and spreading it over the improvised bed.

Leaving Sloper in mid-sentence, he hurried away with Ron and Hermione, unrolling the parchment as he went.

When one piece of slowly unrolling wire ran out, they would connect another and continue.

He looked round to see Yagharek crouched in a feral pose, his bullwhip unrolling like some half-trained mamba towards the officer whose head had appeared over the rim of the plateau.