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The Collaborative International Dictionary

a. Having no rhythm.


adj. not rhythmic; irregular in beat or accent [syn: unrhythmical] [ant: rhythmical]

Usage examples of "unrhythmic".

My father’s voice, the ravening flames of Sharra, the continuous unrhythmic waves of the telepathic jangle—my head was pandemonium.

Slowly, not wanting to arouse the prostrate priests, Sheeana began the shuffling, unrhythmic movements of the dance.

The five naked men moved with a disjointed high lift of their feet, an unrhythmic and seemingly uncoordinated display, which came around periodically to a repeated pattern -- three of the dancers with both feet on the ground and the other two held aloft by their partners.

In the short term, the dance had been deliberately unrhythmic but the progression created a long-term rhythm that repeated itself in some two hundred .

The five naked men moved with a disjointed high lift of their feet, an unrhythmic and seemingly uncoordinated display, which came around periodically to a repeated pattern — three of the dancers with both feet on the ground and the other two held aloft by their partners.

In the short term, the dance had been deliberately unrhythmic but the progression created a long-term rhythm that repeated itself in some two hundred.

They had that unrhythmic frequency which suggested that they were responses to a speech.

Clicking and whirring raggedly, she passed them, a limping green tub of metal that emitted an unrhythmic, grating sound.

Another body clad in the tan of Hamor joined the first in an unrhythmic dance.