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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ County NatWest helped sentiment by declaring itself unreservedly positive on short-term prospects.
▪ Of course, the best way of getting these goodies is to give unreservedly.
▪ The unfulfilled potential for new roles can not be completely and unreservedly surrendered to the psychiatrist.
▪ This humble mollusc can be unreservedly recommended as it is hardy and lives exclusively on algae.
▪ Until very recently, his public statements were unreservedly unilateralist.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unreserved \Un`re*served"\, a. Not reserved; not kept back; not withheld in part; unrestrained. -- Un`re*serv"ed*ly, adv. -- Un`re*serv"ed*ness, n.


adv. In an unreserved manner; showing emotion or lack of restraint.


adv. without reservation; "I can unreservedly recommend this restaurant!"

Usage examples of "unreservedly".

If barrenness continue, the case should be unreservedly submitted, either in person or by letter, to a physician skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of these affections.

And with it came out the secret that Prew had puzzled over, the secret of his power over the men in the Stockade, the secret of the big-heartedness that an archcynic like Blues Berry could worship unreservedly: Jack Malloy was able to love the human race because he expected ahead-of-time to be let down by his friends and hurt by his enemies and betrayed by his leaders.

Frankly and unreservedly, seeking the good of the people who had intrusted them with power, in the spirit of humanity, of the Christian civilization of the age, and of that Americanism which regards the true welfare and happiness of the people, the Government of the Confederate States, among its first acts, commissioned the undersigned to approach the Government of the United States with the olive-branch of peace, and to offer to adjust the great questions pending between them in the only way to be justified by the consciences and common sense of good men who had nothing but the welfare of the people of the two confederacies at heart.

She would have been the last to yield it unreservedly to a man untrusted for the character she worshipped.

Let us recall His explicit and often-repeated assurances that every Assembly elected in that rarefied atmosphere of selflessness and detachment is, in truth, appointed of God, that its verdict is truly inspired, that one and all should submit to its decision unreservedly and with cheerfulness.

A statement in the preface leaped from the context and arrested my gaze: The primitive American Negro is of a deeply religious nature, demonstrating in his constant attendance at church, his fervent prayers, his hymns, and his frequent mention of the Deity that he has cast aside the last vestiges of his Pagan background, and has unreservedly espoused the doctrine of Christianity.

Brion, who, on learning the deplorable character of his coadjutor, had placed himself unreservedly in their hands, which first set them on the track.

I entreat you to write to me unreservedly, and as a friend, and if you love our common mistress, have a care for her honour, and above all have the strength of mind to resist all projects which are certain to involve you in misfortune, and which will be equally fatal to both.

Then why do you treat me to a refusal, after having once surrendered unreservedly?

Wanlorn of Athalantar am I, and I accept thy hospitality, swearing unreservedly that I mean no harm to ye or to anyone who dwells within, nor to any design or chattel of Felmorel.

Wells, on the other hand, belong unreservedly to an age and a degree of scientific knowledge far removed from the present, though I will not say entirely beyond the limits of the possible.