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a. Not renewed.


adj. not revived [syn: unrevived] [ant: revived]

Usage examples of "unrenewed".

The sprigs of mignonette and rosemary, with which the room was sprinkled every day, were unrenewed, and scented the gloom with close odours of decay.

Seeking spell, one she used every day almost without thought, but now she could feel the cost of it, the power that she spent that went unrenewed, draining away like water poured into sand.

But the corresponding wastage on the Southern side was unrenewed and unrenewable.

He was looking very neat and trim save for the fact that the unrenewed green carnation in his buttonhole was now rather bedraggled.

Do they enter a broken year, unrenewed, unblessed by the Tree of Light?

Forever unrenewed by touch or sight Sleeps the keen magic of each day or night, In pleasure and in wonder then immersed.