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a. 1 (context often with "upon" English) Not the subject of any remark 2 Not remarked or noticed; unnoticed.


adj. not perceived or commented on [syn: unperceived]

Usage examples of "unremarked".

Klyucharyov, hero of several previous works, is found struggling for survival in a city divided between an underground realm of safety and plenty and an overground wilderness in which human society has virtually ceased to function: the lights have gone out, stray, frightened figures scamper between dark buildings, rape and robbery take place unremarked, and the dead are left unburied.

Nothing was undusted, or untended, or unremarked upon, or without meaning.

Koshtra Belorn is a great mountain, beside which our mountains of Demonland would seem but little hills unremarked, and that it standeth in the uttermost parts of earth beyond the wastes of Upper Impland, and thou mightest search a year through all the peopled countries of the world and not find one living soul who had so much as beheld it from afar.

Unremarked among the other sparse river traffic, a tiny felucca used the last of the evening breeze to leave the Omdurman bank and slip downriver.

She was still only a woman with dead arms and a dead husband, cuffed to the posts of this bed like a cur dog chained to a ringbolt and left to die unremarked and unlamented in a dusty back yard while his tosspot master serves thirty days in the country clink for driving without a license and under the influence.

But Mary was thirty-nine now—her birthday had come and gone, unremarked by anyone—and frosh at York were as young as eighteen.

And in Es Castle it was an amenity as commonplace and as unremarked upon as the water that flowed at a touch, and the light globes in every hallway.

And at a corner table, as unremarked as the plastic prison arches or the fake muskets on the wall, sat Jerry Westerby with a very large pink gin.

He grasped at the excuse of retrieving the crumpled folds where the dress had fallen unremarked to the stone at their feet.

Elements of the outlandish and the fantastic will come and go, their unlikeliness often unremarked.