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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
unrelenting headaches
▪ Everyone at the office works at an unrelenting pace.
▪ The unrelenting air attack on the country continued.
▪ The unrelenting pressures of the job started to affect her health.
▪ The relief efforts have been hindered by unrelenting bad weather.
▪ Due in part to unrelenting rain throughout the month, drivers have put in only about 9, 000 laps during practice.
▪ Eck was Luther's most unrelenting opponent and he is buried in the Minster.
▪ His breathing was frightful and the unrelenting ache in his legs grew harsher with every stride.
▪ Not even my occasional corporate consulting was good enough cover for my unrelenting commitment.
▪ The unrelenting question is, Why?
▪ The point is unrelenting and sharp.
▪ They also complain that they are the targets of an unrelenting federal assault.
▪ This was due to poor buildings, old machinery and accumulation of mental and physical fatigue because of the unrelenting nature of the activity.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unrelenting \Un`re*lent"ing\, a. Not relenting; unyielding; rigid; hard; stern; cruel. -- Un`re*lent"ing*ly, adv. -- Un`re*lent"ing*ness, n.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1580s, from un- (1) "not" + present participle of relent (v.). Related: Unrelentingly.


a. Not relenting; having no pity; not being or becoming lenient, mild, gentle, or merciful; unyielding; inflexibly rigid; hard; stern; cruel.

  1. adj. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty; "grim determination"; "grim necessity"; "Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty"; "relentless persecution"; "the stern demands of parenthood" [syn: grim, inexorable, relentless, stern, unappeasable, unforgiving]

  2. never-ceasing; "the relentless beat of the drums" [syn: persistent, relentless]

Usage examples of "unrelenting".

Mr Jeffrey, it was a most unrelenting tribunal for literary culprits, as well as a determined assertor of its own political maxims.

In the past she had always used heat and an unrelenting pressure in an effort to drive Repp beyond the limits of his control.

We had to squeeze our way on temporary walkways around blue-painted screens, scarily close to the unrelenting traffic, while intimidating cranes towered overhead.

The tensions in a harp are so tremendous and unrelenting that it becomes unplayable after fifty years and belongs on a dump or in a museum.

Above all, with his sense of urgency and unrelenting drive, Adams made the Declaration of Independence happen when it did.

What made it especially sensational was that the source of the allegation was his own former ally and unrelenting scourge of John Adams, the notorious James Callender.

She had mounted an unrelenting attack on the antiabortionists and had crucified in debate those male chauvinists who without personal risk tried to legislate what women might do with their bodies.

Only the toasted richness of a Biedermeier tall case clock, the matte black of the wrought iron banister, and the golden flamboyance of a Louis XV giltwood mirror intruded upon the unrelenting whiteness.

The dark, unrelenting Tiberius, the furious Caligula, the feeble Claudius, the profligate and cruel Nero, the beastly Vitellius, and the timid, inhuman Domitian, are condemned to everlasting infamy.

My shoulder muscles tense as my conversation with Peter Garvey resumes its unrelenting replay in my brain.

In order that it might exercise its proper influence over religion and philosophy, it was necessary that the God of Nature should cease to be a God of terrors, a personification of mere Power or arbitrary Will, a pure and stern Intelligence, an inflictor of evil, and an unrelenting Judge.

Pagans might reasonably expect that the insulted god would pursue with unrelenting vengeance the impiety of his ungrateful favorite.

A man could be swept out to sea from one section of the shore, while a hundred yards away children cavorted in the diminishing waves without noticing the slightest tug from the current The unrelenting force of a rip current occurs when the longshore flow returns to the sea through narrow, stormgrooved valleys in offshore sandbars.

Its very agony is worth a trillion happy magics and a million believing myths, and yet its only consolation is its unrelenting paina pain, a dread, an emptiness that feels beyond the comforts and distractions of the body, the persona, the ego, looks bravely into the face of the Void, and can no longer explain away either the Mystery or the Terror.

Between the horrible, senseless murder of her dear friend and boss Elaine Wager and the unrelenting demands of her wonderful but high-maintenance fourteen-year-old daughter Raney, she had averaged less than three hours of sleep for the past four nights.