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a. Not regretted.

Usage examples of "unregretted".

Tower, where she had put aside, unregretted because unknown, all the things a young girl dreams of.

Yet there is another old saying, I never knew till now how true: no choice goes wholly unregretted, either way will bring more, both of joy and sorrow, than we can foresee.

Are not thy views of unregretted death Drear, comfortless, and horrible?

She knew now, as well as words could have told her, that not only had the old feeling of love passed away from Jemima, but that it had gone unregretted, and no attempt had been made to recall it.

In San Joaquin, Dobrizhoffer, as he says himself, devoted eight years of unregretted labour to the Indians.

Lady Ombersley was still dazed, still clutching feebly at the fast vanishing picture of the shy little niece of her imaginings, but at these words that insipid damsel was cast into the limbo of things unregretted and unremembered.

So rich, and prodigal, and glorious, in its gifts, is faithful and true-hearted love,--when it knows the sacrifices which it must make to merit them, and consents willingly to forego vanity, selfishness, and the exactions of self-will, in unlimited and unregretted exchange.