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a. Not recovered.

Usage examples of "unrecovered".

I used to linger about them, half expecting they would speak and tell me their stony secrets whisper heavily the whereabouts of their mouldering fellows, still unrecovered from the soil.

Amidst the naked, unrecovered bodies of Tithansi horse-warriors were shattered Wickan lances, the heads removed.

If Father Abbot Markwart passes from this world with those stones unrecovered, then his time of leadership will be viewed by future Abellican monks as a failure.

The unrecovered money would have gone to them, some of which may have been laundered in the J.

Somewhere beneath it, eleven corpses lay hidden - unrecovered, mourned briefly and then forgotten.

She leaves me then, bent within herself, moving purposefully away from me, and it occurs to me that I know nothing of her, that everything that has happened between us is something as dim and unrecovered as that past which sweeps up like a screen before us now and then, the images always too faint to matter.

Saul crawled back up the steps, fragments of unrecovered breath rattling in his chest.

We got sixteen hits for cars that were still unrecovered, but nothing green came up.

It is true that these four remaining unrecovered inventory represent a profit.

But our population remains frail, unrecovered from all the damage Omnius did during his brief conquest decades ago.

He felt a strange pang as it disappeared, of loss unrecovered, of finality.