Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
a. Not recorded.
adj. not made a matter of official record; "an unrecorded deed" [ant: recorded]
actually being performed at the time of hearing or viewing; "a live television program"; "brought to you live from Lincoln Center"; "live entertainment involves performers actually in the physical presence of a live audience" [syn: live] [ant: recorded]
Usage examples of "unrecorded".
Nor the events enchaining every will, That from the depths of unrecorded time Have drawn all-influencing virtue, pass Unrecognized, or unforeseen by thee, Soul of the Universe!
Nature, kinder to his senseless ashes than ever Fortune had been to the living man, is prodigal around his grave -- unmarked and unrecorded though it be -- of her flowers and verdant grasses, of her rains that fertilize, and her purifying dews.
For in their succorless empty-handedness, they, in the heathenish sharked waters, and by the beaches of unrecorded, javelin islands, battled with virgin wonders and terrors that Cooke with all his marines and muskets would not willingly have willingly dared.
There are unrecorded or fictive nodes in time, moments of minimum or maximum flux, with an especial abundance of possible futures, at which critical moments may occur.
Constellations opened to admit him, not of stars, but of events, the unrecorded moments, the anonymous whiteness, the eyes of time, the spaces in the pattern that kept all history from collapsing in upon itself like an impossibly dense star.
In the cave, he had delivered the cube from the womb of time, brought it into the sunlight of the moment, and did he think now to return it to some distant void of unrecorded history?
To make no record of these notable adventures were crime indeed, one that would condemn us to the vast unconsciousness of unrecorded life in which most people live out their lives.
With prosperous wing full summed, to tell of deeds Above heroic, though in secret done, And unrecorded left through many an age: Worthy to have not remained so long unsung.
Despair upon despair, misery upon misery, fear after fear, each causing their distinct and separate woe, packed in upon me for an unrecorded length of time, until at last they blurred together, and I heard a click in my brain like the click in the ear when one descends in a diving bell, and I knew that the pressures were equalised within and without, and that, for the moment, the worst was at an end.
Real events that go unrecorded are often more important than recorded events, whether real or potential.
I must force myself to recall the circumstances as told me and vaguely remembered, for I am not willing that my doomed and wholly exceptional life should pass away unrecorded, unexplained, unvindicated.
Dinosaurs were unrecorded from Antarctica until 1987, when an ankylosaur was reported by a scientific party from Argentina, and in the winter of 1991 a prosauropod discovery made it onto the front pages of our newspapers.
In this reckoning it should be noted that no account is taken of those great intervals of unrecorded time, such as elapsed between the close of the Laurentian and the beginning of the Cambrian periods.
All is lovable--from crescentric sandpit--coaxing and consenting to the virile moods of the sea, harmonious with wind-shaken casuarinas, tinkling with the cries of excitable tern--to the stolid grey walls and blocks of granite which have for unrecorded centuries shouldered off the white surges of the Pacific.
His story is a tiny piece of the great unrecorded drama of the southern poor in those years of the Sharecroppers Union.