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a. (alternative spelling of unrecognizable English)

  1. adj. defying recognition as e.g. because of damage or alteration [syn: unrecognizable]

  2. adv. beyond recognition; in an unrecognizable manner; "he had unrecognizably aged" [syn: unrecognizably] [ant: recognizably]

Usage examples of "unrecognisable".

He did return on May 15, bringing with him a number of the Republique Illustree that contained an almost unrecognisable portrait of Eyraud.

He would do so with the ingenuity and skill that marked all his undertakings, and he might well be all but unrecognisable - a curiously disturbing thought, despite the fact that she was unlikely ever to encounter him again.

The guilty couple decided to dismember the body of Madame Boyer and so disfigure her face as to render it unrecognisable.