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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unreasoned \Un*rea"soned\, a. Not supported by reason; unreasonable. ``Unreasoned habits.''


a. Not reasoned; irrational.

Usage examples of "unreasoned".

I think, to find the primal source of Love in a tendency of the Soul towards pure beauty, in a recognition, in a kinship, in an unreasoned consciousness of friendly relation.

We can think, only, that it entertains unreasoned reasons and experiences unexperienced, all transmuted from the material frames, foreign and recognized only by parallel, so that it possesses in a kind of non-possession and knows affection without being affected.

It is sound, I think, to find the primal source of Love in a tendency of the Soul towards pure beauty, in a recognition, in a kinship, in an unreasoned consciousness of friendly relation.

Let us consider a soul, not one that has appropriated the unreasoned desires and impulses of the bodily life, or any other such emotion and experience, but one that has cast all this aside, and as far as possible has no commerce with the bodily.

The distance took on odd shapes and forms, and it was impossible not to give them some kind of unreasoned paranoiac cause.

We can think, only, that it entertains unreasoned reasons and experiences unexperienced, all transmuted from the material frames, foreign and recognized only by parallel, so that it possesses in a kind of non-possession and knows affection without being affected.

We must take it that easements have become an incident of land by an unconscious and unreasoned assumption that a piece of land can have rights.

If the little person could understand where the 'I hate you' came from - how the Child in his parent had been provoked to such an unreasoned and destructive display to the little child he really cherished -then that little child would not have had to hang on to this pronouncement as ultimate truth.

The Joy Machine was Timshels Pan, tootling enthralling music on its pipes but instilling unreasoned terror in those not yet under its spell.

The Joy Machine was Timshel’s Pan, tootling enthralling music on its pipes but instilling unreasoned terror in those not yet under its spell.