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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ He gained a reputation as an eccentric but dependable officer of unquenchable high spirits.
▪ He has an unquenchable enthusiasm for hunting, and especially for hawking.
▪ Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?
▪ It filled his enemies with terror and his own troops with unshakeable faith and unquenchable blood lust.
▪ Still Damocles worried and pecked, coated with blood and frantic with an apparently unquenchable desire to kill and kill again.
▪ The sudden urgent needs of her body came from her gypsy roots; fiery, desperate and unquenchable.
▪ This exotic potpourri stimulated his own love of natural things and his unquenchable interest in perfumes.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., of fire; 1560s, of thirst, from un- (1) "not" + quench (v.) + -able. Related: Unquenchably.


a. That cannot be ''quenched''.


adj. impossible to quench; "unquenchable thirst" [syn: quenchless]

Usage examples of "unquenchable".

If, as has chanced to others--as chanced, for example, to Mangan-- outcast from home, health and hope, with a charred past and a bleared future, an anchorite without detachment and self-cloistered without self-sufficingness, deposed from a world which he had not abdicated, pierced with thorns which formed no crown, a poet hopeless of the bays and a martyr hopeless of the palm, a land cursed against the dews of love, an exile banned and proscribed even from the innocent arms of childhood--he were burning helpless at the stake of his unquenchable heart, then he might have been inconsolable, then might he have cast the gorge at life, then have cowered in the darkening chamber of his being, tapestried with mouldering hopes, and hearkened to the winds that swept across the illimitable wastes of death.

A retreat, upon the successful conduct of which depended the existence of the Force, the security of France, and the cause of the Entente, had been successfully accomplished by the skill of its commanders and still more by the fortitude and unquenchable spirit of the men.

Just as before, the tanned, silver-haired French expatriate stands framed in the lower corner of his window, staring out to sea like a man with an unquenchable yearning.

The mercenary Minare, a short but thick-set man of unquenchable optimism with the reddish hair of some old Forest blood in his line waved his billhook to summon help.

Within the confines of their own home, the Wests sustained their unquenchable, secret desire for sexual abuse and violence, as four young women had already discovered to their cost, each one suffering more and more extreme humiliation at the hands of the Wests.

I climbed up the rest of the gangplank and was about to hunt up my cabin when my eyes fell on one of the passengers, a vision of loveliness who looked like a redheaded version of Rosepetal Schultz, and the human spirit, glorious and unquenchable thing that it is, began to soar within me once again, especially after I saw the size of the diamonds on her necklace.

That the fault of concupiscence, the seemingly unquenchable desire for the pleasures of the flesh, plagued Prince Sanglant made him no different from most of humankind.

Through all that period it is possible to trace certain unquenchable antagonisms.

The movement of the Soviet Union to control and communize Central and Eastern Europe after World War II convinced him communism was a disease that infected nations with a hostility to personal freedom and an unquenchable aggressiveness.

These rules had been fathered by the Unquenchable Bettles at a time when his blood ran high, and were remarkable for the terse simplicity of their humor.

Rage burned permanently in her eyes like a fire in a coal seam, underground and unquenchable.

And the driver's mouth kept going up and down, stuff spilling from that unquenchable hole, but the hitcher's antennae were down again, withdrawn into insularities of silence moving across his mind inscrutable as clouds, subtle shiftings that hinted at yet another twist to the kaleidoscope of personality, an intimation he surrendered wholly to, weak as an addict.

In rain and in the unquenchable blaze of the giant fire, the vampires threw out their arms, howling, writhing, their limbs constricting so that they stomped with backs bent, heels pounded into the earth, and then sprang free, arms outstretched, mouths open, hips churning as they whirled and leapt, and caught in raucous open-throated volume the hymn came again, Dies irae, dies ilia.

A hush fell over the assembled gnomes, giving the maiden flight-and first field test-of the new and improved Unquenchable a near-religious significance.

Such is the unquenchable human spirit, with its seemingly ingrained philosophy of make do and mend.