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  1. Not punctuated, lacking punctuation. v

  2. (en-past of: unpunctuate)

Usage examples of "unpunctuated".

Similarly, take a bit of unpunctuated prose, add the dots and flourishes in the right place, stand back, and what have you got?

His point was that the Treason Act was not only written in Norman French but was unpunctuated, and was thus open to interpretation.

In addition to looking after the day-to-day affairs of his gallery, orchestrating his disputes with fellow members of the American Communist Party, and pulling off his celebrated fetes, he was also, in idle moments, writing a largely unpunctuated novel, already more than a thousand pages long, which described, in cellular detail, the process of his own birth.

But all the devastating accretions of correspondence, incident to the festive season, these should be swept away to give the season a chance of being really festive, a time of untroubled, unpunctuated peace and good will.

She presented great clumps of uncapitalized, misspelled, and unpunctuated words, and demanded that the clumps be put into proper sentences, meticulously punctuated and correctly spelled.

Though it was in an unfamiliar language, by observing its unpunctuated abbreviations and compacted syntax I was able to deduce that it had been torn from the classified advertisement section of a newspaper.