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vb. (context computing English) To remove protection from.

Usage examples of "unprotect".

La Plata lay at the foot of a bright blistered hill forty clicks inside Landslip, and it seemed to Moura typical of what she had seen of that zonerather tumbledown and unprotected, and close-up deranged.

She could feel the multitude of glowing minds that shared this space with her, convinced that each strange and separate soul was fixed in complicit concentration upon the back of her unprotected head.

Each new dawn in this remarkable country initiated a fresh assault upon the frail fort of their assumptions, as if the Asian sun were a big mystical revolver firing copper-jacketed days into the unprotected wadding of their heads.

This was it, despite the early chill, the random scratches appearing on his unprotected arms and legs, this was existence at its most effervescent, the real thing, walking the edge on a genuine Borneo pig hunt.

She crouched below the brow of the hill, unprotected among the dead thorns and dusty cactus.

And you hear their hungry, angry, dismal cries as for hours in succession they watch the opportunity of snatching from this mass of living beings one single unprotected individual.

Cilicia were already on their way by sea to Pergamum at the command of Lucullus, which left Cilicia unprotected against an invasion by Diophantus.

Even with the wet suit, prolonged exposure of the unprotected skin areas would cause problems.

The Furies were smaller and their bodies unprotected, and those it found could not save themselves.

Not until they were crouched down behind the pilot box did Pen quit feeling as if a fresh blade was already winging its way out of the gloom toward his unprotected back.

Yet the memory of them haunted her, voices whispering at the back of her thoughts, damp fingers trailing lightly across her unprotected skin, an insidious presence.

Collis Raeburn was HIV-positive and that he got it from unprotected gay sex.

Rumbling cauldrons to the rear spit drops of boiling mud on their unprotected backs.

The bullets made hollow thunks as they struck high on the unprotected side of the missile.

Rumbling caldrons to the rear spit drops of boiling mud on their unprotected backs.