a. unpretentious, real, genuine
adj. not ostentatious; "his unostentatious office"; "unostentatious elegance" [syn: unostentatious, unpretentious] [ant: ostentatious]
Usage examples of "unpretending".
But the affability of the former took the name of benignity and condescension, and the affability of the latter was full of harmless gaiety, and a cheerful and unpretending spirit of society.
If any further proof were wanted of the manysidedness of truth, and the widely divergent points of view whence those who are closest to us must behold us, a record of the various opinions that one poor, unpretending photograph will elicit would be one of the most conclusive.
But the affability of the former took the name of benignity and condescension, and the affability of the latter was full of harmless gaiety, and a cheerful and unpretending spirit of society.
It is all very pleasant, unpretending, unceremonious, cheerful, well ordered, commendable, but not imposing.
It made me homesick to look around over this proud and gaudy but heartless barrenness and remember that in our house in East Hartford, all unpretending as it was, you couldn’.
He opened the mine and built a little unpretending ten-stamp mill.
The domestic, unpretending merits of a person never known do not often create that kind of fervent, venerating tenderness which would prompt a visit like yours.
Now, there was nothing so charming to her imagination as the unpretending comfort of a well-connected parsonage, something like Fullerton, but better: Fullerton had its faults, but Woodston probably had none.