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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ They have felt misunderstood and scapegoated, quite unprepared for the political and social dilemmas in which they were caught.
▪ She was quite unprepared for Miss Phoebe's reaction.
▪ She had been quite unprepared for his beauty and his otherness.
▪ So you were left quite unprepared for the lightning 10K race start, made worse this time around by a shouted count-down.
▪ She usually enjoyed this part of the year immensely, but for once she was feeling quite unprepared for it.
▪ I had come from the hotel expecting to return, and was quite unprepared.
▪ Britain was totally unprepared for the cataclysm of the Franco-Prussian War late in 1870 and still less for its outcome.
▪ Sadly, most people find themselves totally unprepared financially and the consequences of that can be disastrous.
▪ I was totally unprepared for Delhi, yet old enough to understand what I saw.
▪ She may have been totally unprepared but she still managed to win her first round match quite comfortably.
▪ Mexico was unprepared for war.
▪ The study showed that 50% of the students were unprepared for work or college.
▪ When I told her the news, I was totally unprepared for her reaction.
▪ An unprepared passenger might be mangled by the door or might miss his stop altogether.
▪ Gorbad, still weak from the wound suffered at Grunberg, was unprepared for a frontal assault.
▪ He found the Etonians snobbish, shallow, seemingly unprepared for the world as it was being transformed by the war.
▪ It can not be stopped, but it can stop the unwary or the unprepared.
▪ She had been quite unprepared for his beauty and his otherness.
▪ The sudden, unprepared E Major Allegro that concludes the fourth and final movement seems a bit like kicking the corpse.
▪ They have felt misunderstood and scapegoated, quite unprepared for the political and social dilemmas in which they were caught.
▪ Yet the handling of the report has made the government look fumbling and unprepared.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1540s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of prepare (v.).


a. Not prepared; caught by surprise. n. A black mark given to a pupil who arrives at a lesson without the necessary items or preparation.

  1. adj. without preparation; not prepared for; "unprepared remarks"; "the shock was unprepared"; "our treaty makers approached their immensely difficult problems unprepared"- R.E.Danielson [ant: prepared]

  2. lacking with intellectual equipment; "unprepared to stand on his own feet"

  3. not put in a state of preparedness; "the machinery was unprepared for the extra load"

Usage examples of "unprepared".

Roman frontier, Aurelian was already dead, the design of the Persian war was at least suspended, and the generals, who, during the interregnum, exercised a doubtful authority, were unprepared either to receive or to oppose them.

For example, if you are unprepared for an exam and you dream about failing it, we would not consider this to be precognition but ordinary cause and effect.

But, as the rear-guard had been captured without firing a shot, their commander was unapprised of their fate, and unprepared for immediate defence.

Norris Vine, slim, a hater of exercise, unmuscular, unprepared, could have no chance against an attack like this.

Yet Saddam clearly was unprepared for the size and scope of Desert Fox when it came in December 1998.

They argue that Iraqi political society is entirely unprepared for representative government and that it would therefore take many false starts to make it work--if it ever could.

And I wouldst rather you be prepared and accepting of that fact than face it unprepared and be so very unhappy when the time comes.

I must be glad of that, since we were not expecting you to attack, were unprepared for it.

He would achieve a fair measure of surprise in such a maneuver, and he would catch the Ningaal unprepared and in the wrong position to begin a battle.

Byers, backwoodsman though he was, was quite unprepared for so abrupt a change.

But he was unprepared for their exaggerated indignation, and with difficulty restrained them from dashing off in the direction of the vanished herald.

Lulled by their familiar scent, she was unprepared for the front door suddenly being flung open.

The suddenness of their attack had caught Breimen almost totally unprepared, and now the battle-mad Rillyti had blasted entrance into the startled city.

He had to steel himself against the inevitable breaking of vulnerable, unprepared tissues, her small, shocked gasp, which she instantly stifled.

He whirled and bashed the unprepared Mole on the forehead with the Winchester stock twice in rapid succession.