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a. uninhabited, having no human residents.


adj. with no people living there; "vast unpopulated plains" [syn: unpeopled]

Usage examples of "unpopulated".

The car pulled away, and Bonner was left feeling suddenly isolated on that sunny stretch of road, with the city close by but somehow unreal, as if it was unpopulated, as if he was the only man on earth.

They keep their soldiers on a short leash in the unpopulated areas, and maintain a minimum show offeree in the cities.

Ha-Ta, he programmed Ha-Ta to take them underground, after they had found a suitable unpopulated and open area to enter the soil.

Reproduction antique navigational charts were embedded in polyurethane on every tabletop, and the world they portrayed was one of vast unpopulated oceans with treacherous creatures lurking at the outer edges.

We found an expanse of unpopulated wall with a largely unobstructed view of the place.

Gagarin and Armstrong Domes took a direct route through a lot of unpopulated territory.

Berbick started downslope, angling toward an unpopulated section of the east wall.

Chicago, which extended along the Desplaines River and embraced a considerable area of unpopulated country and scattered farms.

As unpopulated as the Cloister was, her abductor could have entered and left with little difficulty.

From up above, the unpopulated streets looked even emptier than they had from ground level.

Coming towards nightfall to a small inn in a lonely unpopulated countryside, we found that the only accommodation the inn afforded was one double-bedded room, and there was no other inn for at least ten miles.

The true elbow-to-elbow density of both counties is actually higher, when you eliminate their vast, unpopulated Everglades acreage.

Emory, but so far, a mere forty minutes in, he had already detected three holes in the plot line prominent enough to cast inescapable shapes on the scrim of his unpopulated awareness, a good sign there were other, lesser holes he had missed.

He padded along crimson-carpeted passageways, mirrored, unpopulated, ill-lit, without echoes.

He pointed to the path taken by the horses on their way from parade ring to track: a broad stretch of grass mostly unpopulated by racegoing crowds.