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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unpleasantry \Un*pleas"ant*ry\, n.; pl. Unpleasantries.

  1. Want of pleasantry. [R.]

  2. A state of disagreement; a falling out.


n. (plural of unpleasantry English)

Usage examples of "unpleasantries".

To forestall any unpleasantries, one of her ministers, Potemkin, arranged that everywhere she went, she was met by healthy, happy peasants, living in nice, clean peasant villages with healthy cows and happier chickens.

This surprises me, now, because I think of Father as simply another kind of idealist — but of course Father was more determined to outlive unpleasantries than change them.

This surprises me, now, because I think of Father as simply another kind of idealist—but of course Father was more determined to outlive unpleasantries than change them.

The place reeked of dark doings and foulness and unpleasantries behind the walls.

I just want this to be one of those unpleasantries everybody resolves ain gone be mentioned again.