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Usage examples of "unpile".

The first tendrils of smoke sniffed lazily around the trunk as the trooper twisted, unsure whether to try to rescue Menemsha or unpile the traffic for retreat.

I heard the wind rip around the building, actually turning corners, sounding wild enough to unpile stone.

There were yards and yards of the stuff inside the trunk, and it glimmered in the gray light as Russ unpiled it all distractedly, heaping it on the ground, until he got to the bottom and stopped.

He came to a stack of boxes, carefully unpiled them and worked at one.

He got a city map and a ruler and went to his couch, where he fished his broken binoculars out of his pocket and set them carefully on an unpiled edge of the coffee table.

Then the guards were quickly unpiling and the combatants were pulled up.

I took to my earth in one of the lowest boxes, hoping that the unpiling of the others might give me warning enough to rouse myself for some defense if searchers came again by day.

Some twenty or thirty teams of Demons and Healers were scattered throughout the caverns, directing Tragamors at unpiling the bodies.

He began running frantically about the dais, kicking through garbage, overturning bodies, unpiling piles.

Savage entered and unpiled the junk from the chair so that he could sit down.