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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Liberal policy was unpatriotic because it recognised other national interests and threatened dissolution of the empire.
▪ Many Nepalis regard criticism of the kumari as treasonous and unpatriotic.
▪ Now I am not unpatriotic, and I want to do my bit in this great movement.
▪ Sometimes in Bombay I was told that I should not even speak it, or not exclusively; it was unpatriotic.
▪ The faction never won a majority, but the party was increasingly circumspect in appearing unpatriotic.
▪ The liberal press was said to be unjust, unfair and unpatriotic and deserved to be closed down.
▪ Well then, let us declare it unpatriotic to talk about it.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1775, from un- (1) "not" + patriotic.


a. Not patriotic


adj. showing lack of love for your country [syn: disloyal] [ant: patriotic]

Usage examples of "unpatriotic".

Peak simply out of fear that one of us may have seen enough and be unpatriotic enough to be dangerous to the nation.

Nately reacted on sight with bristling enmity to this wicked, depraved and unpatriotic old man who was old enough to remind him of his father and who made disparaging jokes about America.

He is a frequent and faithful and capable officer in the civil service, but he is charged with an unpatriotic disinclination to stand by the flag as a soldier--like the Christian Quaker.

It seems that Kunz tries to teach some of his countrymen how to play gin but has little success and anyway the war comes on and promoting an American game will be deemed unpatriotic, so he has to cease his efforts in this direction.

I can see that one of these days they are going to repeal the prohibition law, and then it will be most unpatriotic to be bringing in wet goods from foreign parts in competition with home industry.

Be downright suspiciously unpatriotic and unneighborly to refuse a friendly game.

The deposal of the pea from his ear had exposed him not only to the irritations of marriage, but to Kokolios' shockingly unpatriotic anti-monarchism.

Since the attacks in September, the government in power had done a good job of casting any dissenting opinion as ill-timed and unpatriotic.

The Federation of Atomic Scientists, a group composed of the younger physicists and chemists who had worked on the Manhattan Project and been terrified of what they had accomplished, was under attack from many official and unofficial quarters as unpatriotic ormuch worse in those daysdemonstrating outright friendliness with the potential enemy.

The meat ration was even worse, because you had to queue down the pavement for hours, without any idea of what you were queueing for, and when you bought vegetables or fruit at the greengrocer's, they were all tipped into your string bag, just the way they were, earth and all, because there was no paper for paper bags and it was considered unpatriotic to ask for one.