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a. 1 Not fitted with patches. 2 (context computing English) For which a patch is not yet available. 3 (context computing English) Not patched; to which a patch has not been apply.

Usage examples of "unpatched".

English soldiers, led by three men, perhaps Irish men, but in unpatched clothes and with full stomachs.

Paks noticed as she came closer, were, if not new, at least unpatched and whole.

They were dressed as pilgrims, but their unpatched robes were cotton, not paper.

A young human tottered up to our stage, wearing clean, unpatched clothing and a slouch.

He stood in the shaft of light falling from the unpatched chink in the roof.

These were poor people, Aly noted, with scarcely an unpatched jacket or sarong to their names.

Roland was surprised and delighted to find several unpatched holes in the software.

Most wore the garb of common farmers, and a few showed evidence of being more prosperous in their unpatched coats, but none resembled his cousin.