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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unparagoned \Un*par"a*goned\, a. Having no paragon or equal; matchless; peerless. [R.]

Your unparagoned mistress is dead.


a. (context archaic English) superlative; the best; without equal.

Usage examples of "unparagoned".

Wondrous it is with what cords of love he bound to him this unparagoned Queen of his.

When fore I have prayed unto the most high gods, that they will deign to accept me as thy hostage to misfortune, and set me as a bar between thy life and dawning peril, so that I, long valueless, may serve at least awhile to avert doom from thee who art unparagoned throughout the world!

And thou, highest perfection of excellence that can be desired, utmost limit of grace in human shape, sole relief of this afflicted heart that adores thee, though the malign enchanter that persecutes me has brought clouds and cataracts on my eyes, and to them, and them only, transformed thy unparagoned beauty and changed thy features into those of a poor peasant girl, if so be he has not at the same time changed mine into those of some monster to render them loathsome in thy sight, refuse not to look upon me with tenderness and love.