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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unnecessary \Un*nec"es*sa*ry\, a. Not necessary; not required under the circumstances; unless; needless; as, unnecessary labor, care, or rigor. -- Un*nec"es*sa*ri*ly, adv. -- Un*nec"es*sa*ri*ness, n.


adv. 1 needlessly, not necessarily 2 Not by necessity. 3 To an extent beyond what is needed.

  1. adv. in an unnecessary manner; "they were unnecessarily rude" [ant: necessarily]

  2. without any necessity; "this marathon would exhaust him unnecessarily"

Usage examples of "unnecessarily".

He dwelt unnecessarily, I thought, on my prior loss to Makato and on the bout I had won by forfeit because Makato had incapacitated my Aikido adversary.

Gold veins were capricious, but none of the Buhl Mining men cared to gamble unnecessarily.

His tactility is thus unnecessarily, and cruelly, recast as fetishism at this point since society has no precedent to grant males the full enjoyment of sight and touch.

She had the impression that he was haranguing the congregation about their misdeeds, but a cautious glance around showed nothing but rows of guiltless faces--either they hid their feelings well, or he was unnecessarily stern.

El Jefe, still only acting chief until City Council approved his nomination, stood there telling everyone to be careful, to avoid unnecessarily harsh procedures, to use courtesy whenever possible.

The viceregal ridicule though expressed in unnecessarily impolite terms was not open to exception.

As a result, Mick had erroneously assumed he was a sorcerer and Brewster had decided it would only complicate things unnecessarily if he attempted to disabuse him of that notion.

Bernard had noticed a large house of some pretensions to architectural display, namely, unnecessarily projecting eaves, giving it a mushroomy aspect, wooden mouldings at various available points, and a grandiose arched portico.

What we affirm is, that such examinations and applications are, in the practice of most modern physicians, made unnecessarily frequent, resulting many times in lasting injury to the patient.

MR CHAIRMAN:--Some if not all the gentlemen on the other side of the House who have addressed the committee within the last two days have spoken rather complainingly, if I have rightly understood them, of the vote given a week or ten days ago declaring that the war with Mexico was unnecessarily and unconstitutionally commenced by the President.

They were piled high in unsorted and unnecessarily exciting piles that threatened to spill paint or crystalware onto the floor.

It was not his custom to unnecessarily leave his aids to battle against foes of unestimated force.

If even a fourth of them canceled, she was going to suffer from excess inventory, an unnecessarily large staff, and decreased income.

The goats did not gather round him so trustfully as usual, but seemed to avoid him timidly, for Peter had reached a high pitch of anger and bitterness, and was laying about him with his stick very unnecessarily, and where it fell the blow was no light one.

Rabbie said unnecessarily, pointing to the peak of a large tent, just visible through a screen of longleaf pine.