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a. 1 Not musical: lacking in musical ability. 2 Not musical: unmelodic.

  1. adj. lacking interest in or talent for music; "too unmusical to care for concerts"; "it is unfortunate that her children were all nonmusical" [syn: nonmusical] [ant: musical]

  2. not musical in nature; "the unmusical cry of the bluejay" [syn: nonmusical, dissonant] [ant: musical]

  3. lacking melody [syn: unmelodious, unmelodic] [ant: melodious]

Usage examples of "unmusical".

There was always a hunger for newspapers and magazines (usually preferred to books), and he'd beard of baptizers in Patashoqua who named children by stabbing a copy of the London Times with a pin and bequeathing the first three words they pricked upon the infant, however unmusical the combination.

The tongue he used was not unmusical, composed of liquid gutturals and sharp clackings, but it was doubtful if more than half a dozen people in the so-called civilized world would have understood it.

The Big Uglies meant it as an honor, not an insult, and so he endured the unmusical - at least to his hearing diaphragms - racket.

With hands about each others waists, the most unmusical of all conga lines moved along a few short feet beneath the streets of Brentford.

In his harsh unmusical voice he chanted plainsong, which had a better covering effect: he had reached a Benedictus in the Dorian mode and he was straining for a high qui venit when the clear sharp voice of gunfire - carronade-fire - cut him short.

Thenthat unmusical fella trilling away on the rightis almost certainly a loggerhead shrike.