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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1590s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of mount (v.).

  1. Not mounted (in various senses). v

  2. (en-past of: unmount)

Usage examples of "unmounted".

There were also humpless camels which carried packs now but would usually fight unmounted and were led by their own camel officers.

The casting looked complete save for a later application of gold leaf, and Avall had placed a number of gems there unmounted, as if to consider possible combinations.

The dinosaurs were stored unmounted, stacked disarticulated on massive steel shelves.

An unmounted skull cup, such as deities often carry, was used by yogins outside monasteries.

He opened a compartment concealed in the wall behind the bed and picked several precious bracelets, two handfuls of magnificent unmounted gems in a white chamois bag, and a string of glorious baroque pearls, each the size of a pigeon's egg and no two alike.

Prepare all mounted warriors and as many unmounted as you deem fit-prepare them to march against samadhi Satansfist.

After the submersibles were swung over and released to float away, the huge A-frame on the stern of the ship that was used to launch and recover oceanographic equipment was unmounted and dropped over the sides as well.

Well before they reached him, the two Far Riders unmounted and entered the ground he had claimed on foot.