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a. Not moored.

Usage examples of "unmoored".

The fleet immediately unmoored and weighed, and at six in the evening ran through the strait between Biche and Sardinia: a passage so narrow that the ships could only pass one at a time, each following the stern lights of its leader.

Of all the boats that lay at rest there, not one in sight was unmoored, not one contained a boatman!

Alun was unmoored and knew it, a ship without rudder or sails, no charts by which to navigate.

At dawn they got their anchors, and set sail towards the Spaniards, who at once unmoored, and beat to quarters.

For one awful instant they were suspended above disaster, the keel of the boat riding the force of the torrent like a reversed magnet, unloosed, unmoored, out of control, the sharp spray in their faces, Henry shouting out encouragement to the straining motors, grinning Jalong in the bow with a plastic bucket bailing like mad, the bouncing Copelands trying not to glance too often at one another with the blanched appeal of stricken airline passengers, the fragile longboat, as if responding to psychic entreaty, moved forward an inch, another inch, then, in one sweet dizzying lift, rose up and over the crest of the falls onto a slick moving sheet of unruffled stream, and they looked around at themselves and they laughed.

But she was removed that afternoon, and I felt a bit like the man who sees a vessel unmoored and speculates.

For all realities of life, unmoored From their firm anchorage, appeared to float Like hollow phantoms past my dizzy brain.