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a. Not milked.

Usage examples of "unmilked".

A neighbor, Carey Grayson, who called on Mitchell yesterday to buy seed grain, found his cows unmilked, a horse in the stable starving, chickens unfed, and no sign of life around the house.

And if you leave cows unmilked for a few days, they just die of udder bursts.

He gripped her ears and dug his heels into her swollen teats where several piglets, having been roasted and eaten, left them unmilked and tender.

When I have been working hard or tramping the country roads in the open air and come in weary and hungry at night and catch the fragrance of the evening along the road or upon the hill, or at barn-doors smell the unmilked cows, or at the doorway, the comfortable odours of cooking supper how good that all is!

Of course the colonel started off at once, and when he caught sight of the hut he noticed that the goats were unmilked and bleating pitifully round the door.

Livestock wandered aimlessly, browsing on the standing grain, while unmilked cows bellowed in agony.

The village headman was Nuri Khan, and it was in his compound and round his fire that the men gathered on a summer evening to sip hot, unmilked, sugarless tea.

Then she thought of the cows left unmilked, and listened to them stirring uneasily in the yard.

The goats and cows bleated and mooed unmilked in the stables for no one was allowed even to cross a farmyard.

Queen Verity once told me it hurt like daggers to go unmilked for even a few hours past ripeness, and this queen.