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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Divorce, desertion, and illegitimacy were considered almost unmentionable scandals.
▪ Let us begin with a few simple, crucial, and apparently unmentionable facts about a typical high-school classroom.
▪ Miguelito yelled up that the man should do something unmentionable to himself.
▪ She hoped she hadn't caught an unmentionable disease from her visit to the news-theatre.
▪ Stalin had long been unmentionable and Volkogonov was said to be using closed secret archives.
▪ This behaviour was unmentionable a few years before, although it probably did take place.
Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1837, from un- (1) "not" + mentionable (adj.). Humorous use of unmentionables "trousers" is attested from 1823; from 1910 as "underwear," both on notion of "articles of dress not to be mentioned in polite circles."


a. Not mentionable


adj. unsuitable or forbidden as a topic of conversation; "unmentionable words"


Unmentionable is the sixth in a series of collections of short stories by Australian author Paul Jennings. It was first released in 1991.

Usage examples of "unmentionable".

Above its archways and gables the evening sky is full of our unmentionable mistakes, hydrocephalic clouds and the wrongly curved palate of the west, and the cinders of our fires.

Bodley and Ashwell are struck silent, visibly surprised to hear him talking this way about Rackham Perfumeries, usually another unmentionable subject.

Ring up the Savoy and see if the unmentionable Sheldrake is still there.

With Mila, Solanka had allowed himself to sink toward the sickly allure of the unmentionable, the unallowed, whereas when Neela wrapped herself around him the opposite was true, everything became mentionable and was mentioned, everything was allowable and allowed.

One or two other prescriptions, of the many unmentionable ones which disgraced the pharmacopoeia of the seventeenth century, are to be found, but only in very rare instances, in the faded characters of the manuscript.

A certain priest, named Ceinture, convicted of conspiracy against the present government, accused of base actions to which we will not even allude, suspected besides of being a former Jesuit, metamorphosed into a simple priest, suspended by a bishop for causes that are said to be unmentionable and summoned to Paris to give an explanation of his conduct, has found an ardent defender in the man named Marin, a councillor of state, who was not afraid to give this frocked malefactor the warmest letters of recommendation to all the republican officials, his colleagues.

The British ruling class has never stated its real war aims, which happen to be unmentionable, and so long as things went badly Britain was driven part of the way towards a revolutionary strategy.

Was there a "secret" at Bly--a mystery of Udolpho or an insane, an unmentionable relative kept in unsuspected confinement?

They were all high as kites, laughing uproariously and half-watching a blue film on the video, in which a plump redhead was doing unmentionable things to a supine Father Christmas.

Goat stew, reflected Nylan, probably meant goat meat, wild onions, and a few other unmentionable or unidentifiable plant-root supplements, all thickened with some of the corn flour.

It was like watching a soul stripped naked, and all its dark and unmentionable secrets laid bare.

A large room in the back was full of tables leading up to a bandstand, where a belly dancer sweated to the music of three Lobynians playing unnameable string instruments and an unmentionable horn.

If I have been to Vieques, she found herself thinking, something traumatic or unmentionable must have happened here.