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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1640s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of mediate (v.).


a. Not mediated


adj. without the interposition of other agencies or conditions; "unmediated relations between God and man"

Usage examples of "unmediated".

And those which are not historically conditioned -- sleep, for example, all the processes of our organic life in health or sickness, all our unmediated apprehensions of God as Spirit and of God as manifest in Nature and persons -- are more fundamental, more important for us in our amphibious existence between time and eternity, than those which are so conditioned.

Understanding comes when we liberate ourselves from the old and so make possible a direct, unmediated contact with the new, the mystery, moment by moment, of our existence.

But we understand only when, by liberating ourselves from the tyranny of words, conditioned reflexes and social conventions, we establish direct, unmediated contact with experience.

The Pure does not mix, unmediated, with body--though many think that the Celestial-Kind, of its very essence, comports a body aerial or of fire.

But what all three share in is that familiar Romantic myth of some primal, pre-abstract level of language which is naturally endowed with greater insight, a pristine order of meaning that enables unmediated understanding, community, and spiritual communion with the world around.

I do not observe nature, as symbolized by my chicks, in an unmediated way.

Harvard, Yale, Brown, Berkeley, just to avoid his mother at that raw, unmediated time of day that was breakfast.

Nevertheless, the achievement of meditative stabilization is taught as a crucial prerequisite to gaining conceptually unstructured and unmediated insight into the fundamental nature of reality.

In this way, one is said to come to a conceptually unmediated experience of the nature of unmodified awareness.

Rather than evoking combinations of memories of previous knowledge, it is aimed at breaking through all conceptually structured experience to a radically unprecedented mode of unmediated awareness.

The same set of written or oral instructions may evoke an experience of conceptually unmediated awareness in one person and not in others, depending on their contextual knowledge and receptivity.

Some of them had been dancing with natural abandon, the Polynesian part of their heritage emerging, in this time of crisis, from its Spanish and Filipino components, in quest of an unmediated relationship with the supernatural.

Oddly enough, the higher the price of admission, the rawer the data became, until the business and professional portals opened onto arcane libraries of unmediated information, like the neural architecture of civilization.

He wanted to smell the life from that perfect flesh unmediated by manufactured scent.

The opposite of edited, the material on the internet is unmediated, except by the technology itself.