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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Unmake \Un*make"\, v. t. [1st pref. un- + make.] To destroy the form and qualities of; to deprive of being; to uncreate.

God does not make or unmake things to try experiments.
--T. Burnet.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., "bring down, dethrone;" early 15c., "undo, destroy, reduce to an unmade state," from un- (2) "reverse, opposite of" + make (v.). Similar formation in Middle Dutch ontmaken, German entmachen.


vb. (context transitive euphemistic English) To destroy; to cause (a made article) to lose its nature.

  1. v. deprive of certain characteristics [syn: undo] [ant: do]

  2. [also: unmade]

Usage examples of "unmake".

Rita Clay Estrada Two unmade beds and a crib with its side down filled the small room.

His bed was unmade not that it entailed more than straightening the linen sheet on the leather straps criss-crossing the low wooden frame but the dressing table had only a comb in addition to the mirror, and on the floor beside it was a pewter basin with his shaving brush, razor and a jug of soapberry juice.

Rightly, they thought never to be woken in Erith, and in fact there was no way to waken them, for the Coirnead, the horn which might have done so, was sundered when sildron was unmade, and may never be sounded again.

The towering bed was unmade, its linens and overfur slumped onto the floor.

He clicked off the phone and hurled it onto his rumpled, unmade king-size bed.

The fellow shambled up just then, still looking very much like an unmade bed.

I got through the morning, the Wreck took me home, I fell asleep several steps from the top of the stairs but my feet carried me the rest of the way into my bedroom and I woke up at three, lying slantways across my unmade bed, my feet hanging over one end, my cheek painfully creased and my bruised jaw made sorer by a wad of bedspread.

There was an unmade twin bed crammed against the wall and a single nightstand on which rested a phone, an alarm clock, and one framed picture -a Chasidic man standing next to, but not touching, a young girl of about fourteen.

And all the rest of that strange night the passengers, sitting up in their unmade beds, in the swaying car, lighted by a strange mingling of pallid dawn and trembling Pintsch lights, rushing at break-neck speed through the misty rain, were oppressed by a vision of figures of terror, far behind them in the night they had left, masked, armed, galloping toward the mountains pistol in hand, the booty bound to the saddle bow, galloping, galloping on, sending a thrill of fear through all the country side.

He had made the batteries, and now the gunners must unmake the walls, but first Stokes wanted to be certain that the outermost breach would be made in the right place.

But most of the hustlers Gavin knew had faces that seemed, beside his, unmade.

For this was an unholy melding of Bardic and Necromantic Magics, a Song of Unmaking that was so terrible, and so powerful, that Alaire cringed against the wall and stopped his ears with his fingers, weeping at the despair and fear it engendered in him.

Sometimes, while he was sitting in front of the monitors watching messages come in, he imagined he could feel the beast Sclerosis moving through his body, unmaking him cell by cell, nerve by nerve, and the words appearing on the screens, tales of sightings and visitations, began to seem like just another manifestation of disease.

Marine in the room was sitting in his skivvies on his unmade rack, looking the worse for wear.

On Friday mornings, disregarding the unmade beds, she made six loaves of challah for her family.