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a. Not loving.


adj. not giving or reciprocating affection [ant: loving]

Usage examples of "unloving".

She had barely objected when he told her of his new affiliation with the Beller people, and she had said nothing in these past ten days, when the pressure of conflicting cross-currents had kept him bottled up within himself, unloving, cold.

And lastly, it is an unloving miscomprehension of youth to believe that it finds its pleasure in freedom: its deepest pleasure lies in obedience.

Taratan's sword glanced from the clublike arm and the thing's other arm whipped python-like around him, holding him in an unloving embrace.

Those who pride themselves on tolerance and call us exclusivists, judgmental, unloving, and shrill are illogical to the point of absurdity.

When a conversation becomes unloving and unsupportive some individuals instinctively begin to fight.