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a. Not lovable.


adj. incapable of inspiring love or affection; "she was in some mysterious way...unlovable"-Joseph Conrad

Unlovable (Darren Hayes song)
  1. redirect The Tension and the Spark

Category:2004 songs Category:Songs written by Robert Conley (music producer) Category:Songs written by Darren Hayes

Usage examples of "unlovable".

Peters had been an ordinary unlovable sort of twirp, I supposed, and he was being buried in an ordinary unloved way.

Goodreader is on her side, especially if her husband is noteworthily unlovable.

And Chorl, perennial prey to conscience in the matter of his unlovable and endlessly unfulfilled son, had answered the call, travelling all the way from Vaurve Province to reach the Eighth District of Sherreen a mere two days prior to Neighbour J's address.

What happened was that four of the country's great unwashed and thoroughly unlovable came up on us in the dark and did us some grievous harm.