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a. Not locatable; impossible to locate.

Usage examples of "unlocatable".

But they could be anywhere, and as unlocatable to Zady and Helbah as to him and Glint.

And over it all, or under it all, a dull and unlocatable roar, as of some form of swarming life just outside the range of human apprehension.

To lie about it, because the Pythagorean religion could not encompass something as ill-formed, as unlocatable as this.

As The Shadow laughed anew, still in that unlocatable style, Speed and his crew whipped away their masks and began flaying the walls with their own guns.

Many people asked if they could adopt a dog when it was ready for discharge, giving us a reserve of possible homes, necessary because in many instances owners were unlocatable, dead or unwilling to take their dogs back.