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Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1824, from un- (1) "not" + ladylike.


a. Not ladylike; ill-mannered.


adj. lacking the behavior or manner or style considered proper for a lady


Unladylike is an East St. Louis hip hop duo composed of Teosha "Tee" Thomas and Jasmine "Gunna" Baker, which records for Def Jam Recordings. The duo released its debut album, Certified, on June 2, 2009.

Usage examples of "unladylike".

Later that same day, Deb was still so indignant about the cavalier treatment she had received at the hands of her injured duelist that while watching the minuets at the Assembly Room ball she was seen to openly scowl, a most unladylike expression opinioned the sticklers of Bath society, but to be excused in a Cavendish heiress worth not a guinea less than fifty thousand pounds.

I know that flatulence is very unladylike, but one has to strain at such moments .

I was once again the little sister in the upstairs chamber being scolded for being unladylike.

Unladylike, unroyal to run, but she had never dared to dream of this reunion.

After Varya and Miles married, Blythe never refused the chance to shock her sister-in-law into such unladylike behavior.

As he charged into the entrance foyer, his brains a-reel, he heard the scrubwoman say something most unladylike, but he slammed the front doors open and broke out onto the pavement, where footsteps of passersby were revealed in an inch of fresh snow.

You can either make money in your present unladylike manner and meet cold shoulders everywhere you go, or you can be poor and genteel and have lots of friends.

Doll burped in an unladylike fashion and swilled back some of the Director's Reserve '03 Cabernet.

Belted to her waist where the cape had hidden it was a very unladylike weapon: a Pewle knife in a sheath of black sealskin.

One large tree had a dryad, an inhabiting wood nymph, who looked very fetching, about like Iris at fourteen, but who cursed Bink roundly in most unladylike language.