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vb. (present participle of unlade English)

Usage examples of "unlading".

Since his retinue was small and his stock large, he craved extra hands for the unlading, and Master David himself went with his following to assist in this enterprise.

Matt turns away from watching the unlading of the cargo and the swift dismantling of the craft and instead gazes over the village below.

The next day De Catinat spent upon deck, amid the bustle and confusion of the unlading, endeavouring to cheer Adele by light chatter which came from a heavy heart.

I watched the progress of the improvements, and stood by the unlading waggons, as various articles of luxury, brought from London, were taken forth and conveyed into the mansion.

For it is certain, that in proportion to the number of these breaks or termini, will be the increase in consignments, commissions, lading, unlading, etc.