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a. Lacking knowledge, ignorant, naive, or foolish.


adj. lacking information or knowledge; "an unknowledgeable assistant" [syn: ignorant, unknowing, unwitting]

Usage examples of "unknowledgeable".

Silver gleamed on the mantelpieces next to fine pieces of arts which even her unknowledgeable eyes could appreciate.

She was no longer the inexperienced, unknowledgeable child she was at five.

She felt herself to be unknowledgeable in the ways of the spirit world, and she wished at that moment she had someone like Creb to call on.

Even for a Naderite, however, she was unknowledgeable about things beyond the Earth.

I would further presume that person to be unknowledgeable concerning the manufacture of robot bodies, though that presents difficulties, as everything else suggests that the attacker knew quite a bit about robotics.

After all, she was quite a beautiful woman, and she was not unknowledgeable about seduction, having used it on other men at her whim.

A pair of young innocents deeply in love and eager to consummate that love, the one as virginal and unknowledgeable as the other.

I felt awful having to pass myself off as so unknowledgeable in philosophy and so ignorant of even the basest standards of intellectual discourse, but I had appearances to think about.

Even for a Naderite, however, she was unknowledgeable about things beyond the Earth.

Old, discredited Nahas studies are still trotted out by the Drug Enforcement Administration today, and deliberately given to unknowledgeable parents' groups, churches, and PTAs as valid research regarding the evils of pot.