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universal solvent

n. hypothetical universal solvent once sought by alchemists [syn: alkahest, alcahest]

Universal solvent

Universal solvent may refer to:

  • Water
  • Alkahest, a hypothetical solvent able to dissolve every other substance
  • The Universal Solvent, a comic by Don Rosa

Usage examples of "universal solvent".

The sky was an open beaker, pouring forth not rain but the universal solvent for which medieval alchemists had sought in vain.

Poincarean life employed no single, universal solvent, but half a dozen common molecules were liquid at coastal temperatures.

She might not have been in control, but she was as close to control as they had: the universal solvent, as Art called her, or General Nadia, as Maya said nastily over the wrist.

It was a universal solvent beyond the wildest alchemical dreams, breaking down substance, idea, being itself.