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a. (context dated English) Not intermitted; uninterrupted, ceaseless.

Usage examples of "unintermitted".

Such unintermitted strainings upon the planted iron must sooner or later inevitably extract it.

George remained four years at a French university, and, applying himself with an unintermitted zeal, obtained a very thorough education.

But urged along by an unintermitted impulse, he could think of nothing else, he could not abstract his attention to a foreign subject.

The death of his son had no part in his sorrow: if he thought of him at all, it was as the degenerate boy, through whom the honour of his country and clan had been lost, and he died in the course of three days, never even mentioning his name, but pouring out unintermitted lamentations for the loss of his noble sword.

I have never yet found a parallel, I have devoted myself to a life of unintermitted reading, thinking, meditating, and observing, I have not only sacrificed all worldly prospects of wealth and advancement, but have in my inmost soul stood aloof from temporary reputation.

If Mill, the dormitory prefect, was awake, the chuckle would make him speak, for Mill was of a suspicious nature, and believed that it was only his unintermitted vigilance which prevented the dormitory ragging all night.

Instead of their attributes being already seen, and their consequences at an end, it seemed as if a series of numerous years and unintermitted contemplation were requisite to comprehend them fully, and bring into existence their most momentous effects.

Fortunately graduation soon occurred, and unintermitted, sustained labor was no longer enforced.

The sustained regimen, regular recitation, erect posture, daily walk, persistent exercise, and unintermitted labor that toughens a boy, and makes a man of him, can only be partially applied to a girl.

Youth and beauty hovered around him with their unintermitted care, and Age sent up its fervent prayers to heaven.