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n. The quality or condition of being unintelligible.

  1. n. nonsense that is simply incoherent and unintelligible [syn: incoherence, incoherency]

  2. incomprehensibility as a consequence of being unintelligible [ant: intelligibility]

Usage examples of "unintelligibility".

Poetry is disliked because it is associated with unintelligibility, intellectual pretentiousness and a general feeling of Sunday-on-a-weekday.

Nearly all the Chinese in Wanhsien have heard the doctrine described with greater or less unintelligibility, and it is at their own risk if they still refuse to be saved.

I wasn't sure how much of the unintelligibility had to do with their age, how much of it with their bilinguality.

The ceremony was therefore short, conducted in an ad hoc mixture of Latin and English, with a few phrases pronounced in the language of Athanasius' Second Dominion order, the Dearthers, the music of which more than compensated for its unintelligibility.